Love poems

Eliza Acton

I Love Thee

I love thee, as I love the calm
    Of sweet, star-lighted hours!
I love thee, as I love the balm
    Of early jes'mine flow'rs.

I love thee, as I love the last
    Rich smile of fading day,
Which lingereth, like the look we cast,
    On rapture pass'd away.

I love thee as I love the tone
    Of some soft-breathing flute
Whose soul is wak'd for me alone,
    When all beside is mute.

I love thee as I love the first
    Young violet of the spring;
Or the pale lily, April-nurs'd,
    To scented blossoming.

I love thee, as I love the full,
    Clear gushings of the song,
Which lonely-sad-and beautiful-
    At night-fall floats along,

Pour'd by the bul-bul forth to greet
    The hours of rest and dew;
When melody and moonlight meet
    To blend their charm, and hue.

I love thee, as the glad bird loves
    The freedom of its wing,
On which delightedly it moves
    In wildest wandering.

I love thee as I love the swell,
    And hush, of some low strain,
Which bringeth, by its gentle spell,
    The past to life again.

Such is the feeling which from thee
    Nought earthly can allure:
'Tis ever link'd to all I see
    Of gifted-high-and pure!

Love, romance and relationship quotes for your soul

  • 'I love you - those three words have my life in them.'
    ~ Alexandrea to Nicholas III
  • 'The first duty of love is to listen.'
    ~ Paul Tillich
  • 'A simple I love you means more than money ...'
    ~ Frank Sinatra

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