Love poems

John Clare

Song Secret Love

I hid my love when young while I
Couldn't bear the buzzing of a fly
I hid my love to my despite
Till I could not bear to look at light
I dare not gaze upon her face
But left her memory in each place
Where ere I saw a wild flower lie
I kissed and bade my love goodbye

I met her in the greenest dells
Where dew drops pearl the wood bluebells
The lost breeze kissed her bright blue eye
The bee kissed and went singing by
A sunbeam found a passage there
A gold chain round her neck so fair
As secret as the wild bee's song
She lay there all the summer long

I hid my love in field and town
Till e'en the breeze would knock me down
The bees seemed singing ballads l'er
The fly's buss turned a Lion's roar
And even silence found a tongue
To haunt me all the summer long
The riddle nature could not prove
Was nothing else but secret love

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  • 'Love is an energy which exists of itself. It is its own value.'
    ~ Thornton Wilder
  • 'Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence.'
    ~ Erich Fromm
  • 'Soul meets soul on lover's lips.'
    ~ Percy Bysshe Shelly