poveste de dragoste scrisa de nico
o sa iti scot pe nas ce a facut simona. o sa ajungi sa te tarasti la picioarele mele. asta a pus capac, nimeni nu se baga in treburile mele. si nu vreau sa aud scuze. patetic idiot. uitasem ca meriti doar ignore. revenisem la sentimente mai bune. doar ca unele lucruri (a se citi oameni) raman neschimbate. asa ca ramai in admiratia femeilor urate si nefericite in casatoria lor.
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Love, romance and relationship quotes for your soul
- 'This is one of the miracles of love: It gives ... a power of seeing through its own enchantments and yet not being disenchanted.'
~ C S Lewis - 'Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence.'
~ Erich Fromm - 'A fastidious person in the throes of love is a rich source of mirth.'
~ Martha Duffy