Poezie de dragoste
Romeo Morari
Stii ce-am visat azi noapte
la ceasul cand pentru somn visele sunt coapte?
Tu nu erai femeie, nici eu barbat
ci doua viori. Nu-i asa ce ciudat?
Si vibram amandoi la fel, ah
ca-n dublul concert al lui Bach.
Alte poezii de dragoste de Romeo Morari
Definitia iubirii
Meandrele iubirii
Toamna cu dor
Pereche (De ziua ta)
Love, romance and relationship quotes for your soul
- 'A fastidious person in the throes of love is a rich source of mirth.'
~ Martha Duffy - 'Love doesn't just sit there, like a stone; it has to be made, like bread, remade all the time, made new.'
~ Ursula K Le Guin - 'Love is not weakness. It is strong. Only the sacrament of marriage can contain it.'
~ Boris Pasternak