Anthony and Cleopatra

The last Pharaon of Egypt and the dashing Roman general

One of the most famous women in history, Cleopatra VII was the brilliant and beautiful last Pharaoh of Egypt. Although she is often portrayed as a femme fatale, Cleopatra was deeply religious and studied to be a nun. An accomplished mathematician and gifted linguist fluent in nine languages, Cleopatra was also skilled politician popular with her people.

She married her younger brother, Ptolemy, and she became the mistress of the Roman general Julius Caesar. Following Caesar's death, Roman general Marc Antony went to Egypt to advance the growing power of Rome. Cleopatra captivated Antony. Their affair scandalized Roman society and bothered Roman politicians, who were suspicious of Egypt's power.

Yet despite the risks, Antony and Cleopatra married in 36 B.C. The couple planned to conquer Rome. But in 31 B.C. the Roman general Octavian destroyed the combined forces of Antony and Cleopatra in the battle of Actium. Hearing a false report that Cleopatra was dead, Antony fell on his sword. With no hope left, Cleopatra induced a poisonous asp to bite her.

Four thousand years of glorious Pharaonic rule was finally finished. Egypt became a Roman province. Octavian (later Augustus) became the first Roman Emperor, launching a new era in history.

Famous Love Stories in History

  • Anthony and Cleopatra
    The last Pharaon of Egypt and the dashing Roman general
  • Abelard and Heloise
    A monk and a nun whose love letters became famous
  • Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal
    Grieving emperor who built the Taj Mahal for his late wife
  • John Alden and Priscilla Mullins
    One of the earliest romances in the American colonies
  • Abigail and John Adams
    A half-century love affair during the Revolutionary War
  • Queen Victoria and Prince Albert
    English royalty who mourned her husband's death for 40 years
  • Robert and Elizabeth Browning
    A secret courtship between two legendary poets
  • Marie and Pierre Curie
    Partners in love and science
  • Annie Oakley and Frank Butler
    Skilled rifle shots who inspired an American musical
  • Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne
    Broadway couple who reigned for 55 years

    Love, romance and relationship quotes for your soul

    • 'Other men said they have seen angels,
      But I have seen thee
      And thou art enough.'
      ~ G. Moore
    • 'It is impossible to repent of love. The sin of love does not exist.'
      ~ Muriel Spark
    • 'Love talked about can be easily turned aside, but love demonstrated is irresistible.'
      ~ W Stanley Mooneyham
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