Imre, mein immer Liebe

Scrisoare de dragoste de la bAnY pentru BaNy

Imre, no one seems to understand, but you become a concept to me. I love you. Maybe I will never see you again, but that's just the way it is. I love you. The rest, just doesnt matter. Just doesnt matter. Am simply inlove, for the first time and this makes me feel good about myself. I love you and just by loving you I hope I can protect you always from all evils of the world. My far away BaNy. You are gone but forever here. And I feel warm and I feel I got a reason to live just by being inlove with you. You are a concept. Me? Just trying to prove LOVE stil exits and still can change people's hearts. Love can be simple and good, imre, your name has the same latters as immer. Ich liebe dich

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Love, romance and relationship quotes for your soul

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  • 'Life without love is like a tree
    Without blossom and fruit.'
    ~ Kahlil Gibran
  • 'To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.'
    ~ David Viscott

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