
Scrisoare de dragoste de la nevermind pentru ...

....and i still have those feelings that make me cry....and i still feel so alone...and i still feel the emptiness...i see my self so broken down, so helpless....
and i hear my heart screaming your sweet name...and i see your fingerprints all over my skin, i feel your smell everywhere....
and i hope...yes i hope that maybe someday you will tell me what i need so desperatly to hear...
i hope but yet i Know that day will never come...
my love for you seems endless...i'm thinking of you, but it's time to face the truth i will never be with you!...
you are so cruel, you never gave me a reason, an explanation why we can not be together...how could you let your eyes tell me that you care?...because that's what you did everytime you looked into my eyes, you told me you loved me...now i might as well belive that you lied, but eyes don't lie...i love you, i hope you know how much i love you!...

...still looking for the end of this unfair love,
The one who loved you more than life....and still does!

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    ~ Robert C Solomon

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