Scrisoare de dragoste de la KLOD pentru SUPISARA

Every night before I go to bed, I think of you.
I think of you day, night, and every moment of my life.
I love you more than anyone else in my life.
You really do mean everything to me.
I dream that you could be right here beside me, me hold you so tight, that we could just stay here forever, and tell each other, "I love you!".

I jump into my bed, slip under the covers.
I begin that long nights sleep.
Knowing that I can't hold you in my real life, I can hold you in my dreams, which I wish someday might come true.
Wanting your beauty, and all to perfect self that treats me but oh to well.

I dream all night of you and that beautiful face, that beautiful face.
That face I just want to see next to me when I open up my eyes in that dark, cold, lonesome morning.
I dream that we are in paradise wasting away time, together, together like I wish it would be.
We lay on the beach, not a fear in our hearts or minds.
We hold each other's hands, on the beach, in the warm sun and cool ocean breeze.

Then at night we walk on the beach, walk on the beach with no shoes, talking about how life treats us, so well now that we have each other.
I look at you and whisper, "I Love You!", and then you do the same, you know I love that.
As I stop for a second, get on one knee as if I was going to tie my shoe, I pop the question.
You look at me with tears in your eye, tears in my eye, us crying together with love in our hearts.
You say, "yes", and my life lights up like a freshly lit candle.
You ask me why I waited so long to ask, with a laugh, as I put the ring on your finger.
We kiss, we love each other like I always dream it would be, and we are so prefect together.

I wake up the next morning just wishing that would have been so true.
You and I, together, together forever, together as one.
Like I said, its only a wish, a dream, but until that wish, dream does come true, I will be "Dreaming Of You".

Kiss you........

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  • 'When you love someone, all your saved-up wishes start coming out.'
    ~ Elizabeth Bowen

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Din dragoste - Caricaturi

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